
What hosting provider will most benefit your organization?

The cloud is a growing option for businesses looking for the best place to host data. Some companies are still be hesitant to make the jump to a hyperscale cloud provider, so a private cloud could be the solution. Private clouds can typically utilize software and hardware that businesses already run on premise, which makes the transition less complicated and disruptive. At Select Com it is our goal to help you navigate your options and get your company to the cloud the most efficient way possible.

Is your businesses in the process of launching new products?

Cloud hosting can be helpful when launching new software because it allows for accelerated testing, development, and production. An adaptable cloud provider will equip you with however many servers required for you to build as many VM’s you need for your latest project. In the end this will result in both a cost savings with improved results. 

Exit the Hardware Cycle

Wouldn’t it be nice to always have the best technology without the associated costs of constant hardware replacement? A private cloud will utilize the same software you have in-house, but allows you to host your applications on state-of-the-art hardware from vendors like Nimble, Cisco, and F5, so your data is always safely being stored on the most reliable servers possible.